
Most bars per capita... We're sooo there.

Chukkerhead is at the Skidmore Saratoga Classic Horse Show for a long weekend... and we're off to a champion start!

Yes, that's Kristen - opening a HopDevil with the hotel room door. Awesome. Victory. HopDevil. Ale. Ahhhhhh. (Tom, bring more, please!)


You lika de muzik?

Our friend, Alan, devotes hours a day to scouring the "nets" in search of gigabytes and gigabytes of new music. He listens to it. He plays it for friends out of his laptop at the beer garden. Then, he picks out the coolest of the collection and shares it with the world every month through his blog, SlopeySeconds. We're loving Grizzly Bear's "Cheerleader!"

WTFs a Chukkerhead, anyway? Here's a lesson on how to make your own.


Tweeting Twits?

We're twatting tweets on Twitter! Wait... Is that how you say it? In any case, we're on Twitter, and there's a cool little update box on the blog (over there in the upper right corner). Follow us, HERE!


Rolling the ChukkerCart up to Saratoga

We'll be at the Skidmore College Saratoga Classic Wednesday, June 10 to Sunday, June 14. The Saratoga Classic is one of the largest equestrian events of the summer in the Northeast, and since its held in Saratoga, its surely one of the funnest. Check back for more information later this week.

We want pictures of YOU!

Send us photos of you in your Chukkerhead gear doing stuff that's, well, cool. Or weird (see Joe, above, drinking a ginormous brew in his tie-dye Chukkerhead polo). We'll post the photos here, and include any info about you you send us - links to your website/blog, your specials talents, or your favorite color.
Note: If you need Chukkerhead gear to photoshoot yourself in, click HERE to buy some. E-mail us if you have any questions at contact@chukkerhead.com

Look what we found:

We spotted these while strolling through Manhattan's Lower East Side. Apparently, Chukkerheads are everywhere, and everyone's in NYC.

Note: Chukkerhead claims no responsibility in posting these bills. Chukkerhead gives these stickers away by the handful to its zealous fans. The hand in the photo above is merely pretending to stick the sticker because its an exciting find.
Note: Thank you, zealous fans. You rock!

Thank you!

Thanks to all of our Chukkerhead friends who turned out at the Westbrook Factory Outlets, Memorial Day Weekend, to our new friends from The America's Polo Cup, to those who have made it to our website (and bought something!), and to those who are spreading the word! I love when people I barely know and rarely talk to ask me about Chukkerhead - that they heard about it through a mutual friend is surreal! So, thank you. Thank you for your support, your encouragement, and for wearing your rally caps for us!


ChukkerCart Wherabouts

We're chillaxin' at the Westbrook Factory Outlets this weekend! You can find us near the boat next to OshKosh B'gosh (fun to say, isn't it?). Stop by, try on some of our gear, take home the comfiest rugby you'll ever wear, and maybe toss a frisbee with Kristen or Nicki.

We'll be here all day Saturday, Sunday & Monday:

Tanger Westbrook Factory Outlets
314 Flat Rock Place
Westbrook, CT 06498
P: (860) 399-865

Exit 65 off of I-95 in Westbrook, CT


How to be hardcore:

This is Hardcourt Bike Polo. Proof that polo has descended from the lace gloves of the hoity-toity to those who are just looking to have a kick-ass time (lace-gloves still welcome, as long as they're willing to get a little dirty).

Thanks for putting HardcoreBikePolo.com together, Doug!

These guys rock out (almost) as hard as we do.



Come see us at the Westbrook Factory Outlets, this weekend! The ChukkerCart'll be loaded with all of our gear and we'll no doubt be up to some fun.

The outlets are off of I-95 at exit 65 in Westbrook, Connecticut.


This is what we live for:

Polo on bikes!

Don't judge us by our dance moves.

US v. Australia: We won!

Chukkerhead opened to the public last weekend at the America's Polo Cup in Poolesville, MD. Despite the wind, the muck and the looming threat of torrential downpour, the launch was a complete success, not to mention a total blast! We scored a sweet location for our cart between the bar and the food and provided tons of entertainment (via frisbees, the "Twist" and general merriement) for well-to-do spectators braving the weekend weather.

Oh, and the US kicked some Aussie butt in an exciting polo match. 
(U-S-A! U-S-A!) 

Stalking us just got easier!

(Which is exactly what we want you to do... hint hint.)

Things are starting to get under way here at Chukkerhead, and to document them, we've started this blog. Now, you'll get up to the minute updates on new designs, polo events, ChukkerCart whereabouts, and the silliness you'll come to expect from us. Woot!